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Breast reduction surgery costs

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The cost of breast reduction surgery varies widely, and is often determined by the amount of money you have to pay for anesthesia, implants, and the surgeon's fee. You'll also need to factor in any additional costs that might be associated with the surgery. The cost of breast reduction surgery can range from $8,900 to over $12,000, depending on the surgeon and the procedure you choose. These are just a few of the many factors to consider before you make a decision about whether you can afford it.

Anesthesia costs for breast-reduction surgery vary significantly

The fees associated with breast reduction surgery vary significantly depending on the anesthesiologist and surgeon. General anesthesia is more expensive than local anesthesia. This type of anesthesia is commonly used during breast reduction surgery. The duration of the surgery may also impact the fees. It could take as long as five hours. The surgeon and the anesthesiologist have to negotiate separately so you might find the surgeon's fee higher than the anesthesiologist.

The procedure is covered by insurance

You might be wondering if your insurance will cover breast-reduction surgery. While this procedure is typically considered cosmetic, some insurance companies may still pay for it. This is particularly important if you suffer from back or neck pain or from intertrigo, a yeast infection. If these are your main reasons for seeking surgery you will need to document your history and have exhausted all other treatment options. Breast reduction surgery is usually covered by insurance only after all nonsurgical options have been exhausted. You should know that insurance companies won't cover breast reduction costs unless it is absolutely necessary or necessary to remove certain amounts.

You can lose weight before you have the surgery

Healthy weight is important because it helps reduce breast tissue and prevents new tissue growth after surgery. It is possible to lose weight by making small changes in your diet, exercise, and lifestyle. Avoid crash dieting and extreme exercise, and begin with light exercise. Discuss the surgery with your surgeon if you are planning to become pregnant or are currently experiencing chronic pain in your breasts. Your efforts to lose weight and build muscle are only as effective as your efforts. You should set realistic expectations for your health and overall well-being.

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A breast lift can be done simultaneously if you are able to.

It is possible to have a breastlift and lift simultaneously if you have sagging or droopy breasts. Most breast lifts can be done in an outpatient clinic, hospital, or at your doctor's offices. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and usually lasts about an hour or two. After the procedure, you should arrange for someone to drive you home. You will be given specific instructions. You will need to wear gauze and support bras over the incisions. You may also receive small tubes that can drain excess fluid and blood.

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Breast reduction surgery costs